The Psionic Butterfly

For the butterfly always soars in the skies


Real name: Elizabeth (Betsy) Braddock.
Codebame: Psylocke


A mutant with telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Has the ability to shape psionic energy into anything she wants.


While she's a ninja who uses a katana named Shurayuki her most dangerous weapon is her psychic knife. The focused totality of her psychic powers.


Betsy was the middle child of the prestigious Braddock family in Britain. Her older brother Jamie was a famous race car driver and her younger twin, Brian, was the hero known as Captain Britain. Betsy herself was a charter pilot, but often got wrapped up in her brother’s adventures as a hero. When her telepathic abilities first appeared she was recruited the S.T.R.I.K.E. a shady government organization that was like S.H.I.E.L.D. but with more tea and crumpets. As a cover for her covert operations, the UK government set her up with a modeling agency and made her a star. She performed admirably and when Brian was not willing to perform a service for the British government they turned to Betsy. They gave her the costume of Captain Britain from a different dimension and sent her on her way. But Betsy found herself over her head when she battled Slaymaster, the villain brutally beat Betsy and gouged out her eyes. She cried out psionically and Brian came to her rescue, killing the monster. Betsy decided to retire from her life of adventuring, and now blind, moved to the Swiss Alps.


Betsy rejoined the X-Men but she wasn’t the same, she became more ruthless and this was none more apparent than her ability and willingness to generate a psychic knife, the focused totality of her telepathic powers. She also began a relationship with her teammate Archangel. They had both had their bodies manipulated and distorted, they both felt a darkness inside them, and they both wanted to fight against it. Eventually Kwannon, the ninja melded with Betsy’s original body, came to challenge Psylocke for singular control of their minds and bodies. The women came to an understanding and Kwannon even joined the X-Men for a time until he was infected with the Legacy Virus. Kwannon had her lover Matsu’o euthanize her and the lost part of Betsy’s soul was restored.The Professor made Sabertooth’s redemption a pet project of his, one that would have serious repercussions for Psylocke. Sabertooth escaped and wanted revenge on the frail that stopped him years ago. Psylocke tried to stop him but even her new physical skills weren’t enough to stop the rampaging Sabertooth. He gutted her like a fish and left her for dead. If not for Wolverine and Archangel acquiring the mystic elixir known as the Crimson Dawn, she would not have survived. But such mystic forces were not free. Betsy gained a large red tattoo over her left eye as well as the ability to teleport through shadows, more than that she was acting even darker than she had been. This descent into darkness was only thwarted by her defeat of Kuragari of the Crimson Dawn.


When Wolverine decided to reform X-Force in secret, Betsy was one of the first mutants he recruited alongside Archangel, who had rekindled a romantic relationship with Betsy. She was tried to help Warren control his dark nature, the seed of Apocalypse that was inside of him, but she couldn’t fully heal him. At the same time, she exhibited very strong sexual tension with her teammate Fantomex (who is a whole other story you can read about here). After the murder of the child clone of Apocalypse, Warren’s condition became unmanageable and he accepted his role as the heir to Apocalypse. X-Force tried to save him but Betsy saw that he was truly lost and shoved her katana through his chest, however she did not deliver a killing blow and instead decided to stay by his side and try to save her lover. Archangel was as ruthless as Apocalypse and turned to Betsy. Using a Celestial Death Seed he turned Psylocke into his new Horseman of Death and she assisted Warren in his conquest of the world. The Age of Apocalypse Jean Grey, alongside X-Force, charged at Apocalypse and was able to cleanse Betsy’s mind of the influence of Death. Betsy used her telepathy to enter Archangel’s mind, she showed him visions of a future together, giving up on being heroes and killers, having children, growing old by each other’s side. It was a perfect, beautiful life. She thrusted the Celestial Life See into her lover destroying Archangel and turning Warren into a blank slate with no memories or wickedness inside him. As she grieved her brother Brian and the Captain Britain Corp discovered what X-Force had done and put Fantomex on trial. He brought his sister to Otherworld to watch the trial and chastise her for her killer nature. She escaped with Fantomex and tried to return to her reality but got caught up in the ongoing war on Otherworld. A multidimensional being known as The Goat laid siege to Otherworld and threatened to destroy all of reality. Psylocke found out that The Goat was a potential future of her brother Jamie and was forced to make a horrific choice. Using her telepathy, she took control of Brian’s body and had him break Jamie’s neck in the present. Brian was disturbed that his sister would force him to do such a thing but understood that sometimes there is no right choice, just one that saves more lives than others.